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Our Intention

Creative Wink is all about making it simple. We support the learning process through our workshops; healing through our Restoration Kits and Creative Empowerment services; and local artists through our services, Eclectic Exhibition and collaborative projects.

We offer a variety of creative workshops on how to make candles, cosmetics, craft and jewellery. Book yourself into a one-on-one instruction with me or organise a party at your place. We use all natural, recycled, organic, child and eco-friendly materials and ingredients wherever possible.

​Our Restoration Kits are â€‹designed to support you through various phases and stages of personal growth. Each one takes you on a different journey around a specific theme. Designed by Louise Moriarty and myself, these packs are a joy to make and are offered with love. All handmade and original work.

Artist Assist is a service provided to local artists who need a hand to set up a website, start their business, manage their work, or bounce ideas and plans off someone with integrity. We work with authors, visual artists, musicians, and more.


The Eclectic Exhibition is an annual event facilitated by Creative Wink in an effort to combine art genres and promote participation. Artists are encouraged to submit interactive work as well as schedule 'Meet The Artist' days to showcase their process onsite.


Then we initiated Free Range - collaborative projects with local artists. We hope you enjoy the products, events and people we have chosen to share ourselves with.

louise moriarty

eclectic exhibition

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